Home Page


Welcome to kenny's home page

Want to know me?

Are we related? Is your great-grandfather my mother's cousin's grandma's nephew? There's only one way to find out . . . . In this page, you will get to know a little more about me.

Thumb through my Album

Visitors, welcome. Good to see you here. I know you will be here, so i have prepared for you some good for the eyes pictures that will make your visit a pleasure. Feel free to take a peep and see why you're lucky to be here. Just review the latest pictures: ever seen kenny without his dentures? Or at his high school prom? You are free to laugh, but not too much. Have a nice time.

Events to look out for

Now lets get to business. There is need for you to know where kenny will be per time & at what date so you can draw from the deep cistern that God has dug in him and be a partaker of the blessings God is willing to share through him. So get ready for the following upcoming events where kenny will be ministering. It will also be an opportunity for you to meet him in person.

Keep in touch

This is a great place to keep in contact with me.

RSVP here.

Contact Me

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please give me a call at 2348028218609, or 2348069354445 or send an e-mail to infome@kennycube.8m.net